MOGI in Brazil: a journey of discovery and flavours

Our journey to Brazil begins in the province of Minas Gerais, renowned for cultivating the world's finest Arabica coffee. Our goal is to explore and seek new coffee sources, ensuring our customers a continuous pursuit of unique flavors and unforgettable tastes.
Our first visit led us to explore several plantations in the western area of Belo Horizonte, a city known for exporting coffee worldwide.
With the help of a local guide, a grower from the region, we had the chance to explore part of his plantations and learn fascinating insights about his approach to coffee cultivation.
Throughout the day, we had the opportunity to taste different coffee varieties, roasted at the moment specifically for us, revealing unexpected flavors that aligned perfectly with our mission: to create a new blend with a distinctive and surprising taste.
Continuing our journey, we visited one of the most important processing facilities in the region, where most local growers bring their coffee to be processed, inspected, and eventually exported worldwide.
The process is highly complex: first, the coffee cherries are dried, weighed, and cleaned of any residue, both natural and metallic, using large specialized sieves.
The process is highly complex: first, the coffee cherries are dried, weighed, and cleaned of any residue, both natural and metallic, using large specialized sieves.
Next, they go through a sorting process, where the beans are classified based on size, color, and ripeness level. Finally, they are roasted and prepared for sale.
This incredible process fascinated and amazed us, allowing us to appreciate specialty coffee even more consciously during our tasting session. Among the selections, we had the chance to try some fermented coffees with intriguing and unexpected flavors.
For the second stop, we moved more south, at an altitude of 1,400 meters above sea level. Here, coffee undergoes a transformation: its body becomes more structured and complex, its flavor intensifies, and its aromas grow even more pronounced, accompanied by high acidity.
This remarkable difference is primarily due to the soil’s mineral-rich composition and the sharper climate variations, which allow the cherries to grow more slowly and develop a more intricate flavor profile.
Once again, our journey through authentic and genuine flavors continued. Between specialty coffees and unique local varieties, we discovered even more about the vast and diverse world of coffee, an ever-evolving universe full of nuances waiting to be explored.
This journey allowed us to dive even deeper into the world of coffee, witnessing firsthand the fruits of the labor of millions of people. Their love and passion cannot be put into words—but you will be able to taste them in the quality and aromas that we can’t wait for you to experience.