The Queen of cups in the Tarot

The symbolism portrays her as a maternal figure holding a decorated cup in her hands, a symbol of deep emotions and intuition. Seated on a throne near the water, she embodies emotionality and a connection to the unconscious, as well as creativity and a bond with those around her.
In tarot readings, she represents care, compassion, and emotional connection, both with herself and with loved ones; but also fear and insecurity, and the feeling of being forced to care for the weaker against her will.
She represents an empathetic and sensitive person, attentive to the needs of their loved ones and confident in their own convictions.
"A cup of creativity"
We have chosen to use tarot cards and their symbolism to tell our core values. The Queen of Cups, with her care and dedication towards others, embodies our commitment to the communities in which we work and collaborate.
The Queen of Cups' creative spirit reflects the elegance and originality of Italian style and the excellence of Made in Italy.