Via Stampa: a neighborhood bistrot where you can cultivate taste and relationships

The new stage of the journey to MOGI’s favourite locations takes us to the heart of Milan at Via Stampa, Marco Guzzetti's neighborhood bistrot which also opens up to the world of bakery and coffee. With MOGI coffee, of course.
How did Via Stampa story begin?
Via Stampa is a newborn place: we opened in September 2023, in the heart of the old Milan. The idea behind the venue is to repopulate the city with authentic places, rebuilding the social fabric that has been lost and following the concept of the tavern as a meeting place. Via Stampa wishes to bring the Milanese back to the restaurant by offering simple - which does not mean banal - and high-quality dishes. The project has its roots in my personal agricultural experience, gained in the regions of Liguria and Piedmont where, after graduating, I moved to become a farmer. Today, Via Stampa employes in the restaurant and kitchen a close-knit team who is passionate about hospitality, good food and wine. Given the location in which we find ourselves, in the center of Milan, we welcome many area managers for lunch, which allows us to have a dignified approach without having to compromise with the organoleptic, nutritional and ethical quality of the food and avoiding food waste. Our evening clientele, on the other hand, is made up of the neighborhood residents who find here a place to share a simple meal in an elegant and informal environment, with the highest quality service, to refresh the mind, soul and body.
Via Stampa supports the “Young Avant-garde Agriculture”: what does it mean?
When I started my companies, producing olive oil and wine respectively, I was lucky enough to meet restaurateurs and traders who gave me so much trust, allowing me to get this far, to be manager, chef and owner of a restaurant in the city center. I would therefore like to give this opportunity back to young farmers: today farmers have evolved, they are often college graduates who have decided to change their lives and who, with an avant-garde mind, reconstruct traditional processes with new produces.
I would therefore like to weave a network with young farmers from the hinterland over the years, combining the concept of proximity with that of production ethics.
What about Via Stampa's cuisine?
We work on micro-seasonality: we create two menus per season, based on the planning of selected fruit and vegetable producers. The menus are supported by two pillars: on the one hand, continental agricultural cuisine dishes from the Lombard tradition - such as Mondeghili with green sauce and boiled meat or Valtellina’s Sciatt, with battered cheese served on fine cabbage salad; on the other hand, we have seasonal dishes created with creativity by the kitchen staff with the available ingredients - such as the French soup with Slow Food presidium Breme onion, sweet and delicate, or the fresh tagliolini with whitefish tartare which is fished in specific periods of the year.
Via Stampa will also become a bakery and café, with MOGI.
The bakery project was born from a personal dream and pleasure of mine. I approached the world of cooking for the first time about ten years ago, fascinated by the “white art”: I was still in high school when I decided to do an internship with a bakery chef. After that, I never had the chance to build a project focused on bakery. Until today, at Via Stampa, where we find a wooden and marble counter perfect for hosting a Nordic-inspired bakery. And for the cafeteria I found a special partner in MOGI, as already I did for the restaurant, where we serve Frida and Meaza, but also for the organization and support. In the pop up café, which will be open from 8am to 12pm, in addition to MOGI caffè there will be a master pastry chef, with her talent and passion.